Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast ep 02 - Sailor Moon talk with NatsukiGirl

Episode 2 is here! With my special guest, NatsukiGirl; who not only has run the Sailor Moon fanpage SweetUsagi since the late 90s, but also has a series of informative Youtube videos on collecting Japanese manga.
Listen as we reminisce & ramble about being young Sailor Moon fans in the 90s, how Sailor Moon effected us when it came to anime/manga fandom, and general talk of all things Sailor Moon...Basically trying to touch all the bases.

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]

As I said in the podcast numerous times, this definitely won't be the only episode I do concerning Sailor Moon since it's SUCH a prolific body of work, but hopefully you enjoy our first ever Sailor Moon episode!
As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts and ideas for future episodes, and thanks for listening!