Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast ep 15

iTunes subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!
After a short delay (sorry about that guys!), the new episode's finally here! Happy 1 year anniversary to my little podcast. (Wow, has it been a year already? Time flies!) To celebrate, I did another episode with my good friend CandyAppleCat (aka Heather), who--if you remember--was my very first guest. I asked you guys to send in questions for us to answer on the show, and our favorite email would win a prize. So listen to Heather & I talk about everything from old anime sight-gags, to cosplay, to dubs that time forgot...and more!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
You can also now subscribe on itunes!

Thanks to all that entered the contest! The winner of the Akira blu-ray and vintage manga package is....

Evan, I will be emailing you shortly about your prize. And for those that didn't win, don't worry--I'll have more contests in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for em!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts and ideas for future episodes here, or email directly at Thanks for listening!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Contest submissions are now closed!

Thanks for everyone who sent in emails for the contest! Next week we’ll be recording the episode and shortly after I’ll upload it and announce the winner. Thanks again for listening to the podcast!