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links for this episode!
This month’s episode is another ReView! What is a “ReView” episode, you
might ask? Well, it’s my highly-clever (ok not really) title for
episodes where I go back and watch an older title I haven’t seen in a
long time, and see if what I remember (and what my opinions on it) are
still the same now that some time’s gone by. While some of you are enjoying your shiny new Magic Knight Rayearth blurays, what better time to revisit the other Rayearth? That’s right, it’s the 1997 Rayearth OAV!
Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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Relevant Links:
- Buy Rayearth the OAV
- Buy Magic Knight Rayearth the original TV series
- Buy the original Magic Knight Rayearth manga
- Read my article on Kimagure Orange Road on ANN!
Thanks for listening!