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Friday, May 1, 2020

SOLD OUT! THANKS EVERYONE! The 1st ever Anime Nostalgia "Pen Pal" Mailers!

These are officially sold out! Thanks again to everyone who supported! 

A small pile of colorfully decorated envelopes with the prase "Anime Nostalgia Podcast's first ever "Pen Pal" Mailers!"

Inspired by my Pen Pal episode from a few years ago, I thought in this time where many of us are confined to staying home as much as possible, something that always cheers me up on a rough day is getting something fun in the mail! So I'm using the 10 fanarts I drew from people's suggestions on my personal twitter to create envelopes stuffed with goodies to mail out to 10 people who leave me tips this month on Ko-fi! Each of these envelopes will all be different, decorated in the style of how I'd send out pen pal letters: covered in anime-related stickers & washi tape, stamped with anime ink-stampers, and filled with stuff like fanart, stickers, and cute stationery! These will be sold on a first come, first severed basis starting TODAY (May 1st, 2020). Once they are sold out, I will edit this post to indicate that they're sold out and being prepped to be mailed.

Fanart done by yours truly of various anime (and game) characters!

Now, since this is a new idea I'm trying, please bear with me as I explain how this first attempt at something like this will work.


While there are 10 drawings, I decided that you can choose 2 options for your "Pen Pal" Mailer! 

Option #1 - The Standard:

An image of the items described below.
Click image for fullsize 

  • 1 random fanart drawing from the #sixfanart meme that I did on an index card
  • 1 Anime Nostalgia Podcast logo sticker
  • 1 handwritten thank you on anime stationery
  • 2 random vintage neon Dragon Ball GT stickers, bought from a Hot Topic in the late 90s!

Be sure to include your mailing address in the message of the tip, and make it private so only I can see it!

Option #2 - The Upgrade:

An image of the items described below.
Click image for fullsize 

  • 1 random fanart drawing from the #sixfanart meme that I did on an index card
  • 1 Anime Nostalgia Podcast logo sticker
  • 1 handwritten thank you on anime stationery
  • 2 random vintage neon Dragon Ball GT stickers, bought from a Hot Topic in the late 90s!
  • For people who are extra generous, I'll include more surprises! Extra goodies from my personal collection of stuff--anything from vintage anime trading cards, manga bookmarks, misc stickers, handmade vintage manga envelopes, anime stationery, etc!! 
Be sure to include your mailing address in the message of the tip, and make it private so only I can see it!

I will only have 10 of these available, since I only made 10 drawings, but if this is popular enough, I will consider making this a possible annual thing!


What if Ko-fi doesn't work for me? Is there any way I can still get one? - If for some reason Ko-fi doesn't work for you, you can always Paypal me directly at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@Gmail.com! Be sure to leave your address in the notes so I know where to mail it!

What if I live outside the US? Can I get one? - Yes! I can buy international postage for these and the cost isn't too different, so if you want one and you're outside of the US, feel free! A word of warning, though: it might take a while to get to you, due to delays with international mail currently with the COVID-19 issues. And since I can't track these envelopes, I won't be able to give you any sort of estimation on when they'd get to you.

Will these have tracking numbers? - NO. These will just be stamped envelopes mailed out, therefore no tracking. Mailing out simple envelopes is easier for me because I can just drop them off at the post office without having to come into contact with anyone, which is ideal during our current COVID-19 crisis. While I do understand this means there IS a slight risk of something getting lost in the mail, the chances of that are still fairly low--and if somehow your envelope DOES get lost along the way, just let me know and I can whip you up a replacement, no problem. PLEASE NOTE, HOWEVER: there are currently delays in mail in some areas--some people I've mailed things to have taken a whole MONTH to get to their destinations, even just mailing something within the US, so please keep that in mind if it takes a while!

Can I request one of the specific drawings to have in mine?? - To keep in the spirit of the surprise of pen pal mail, I'd like to keep it random. HOWEVER, if there is a character in the batch of drawings you actively DON'T like and would feel disappointed to get, you can include that in the private message of your tip and I'll try to make sure you don't get that one.

Where does the money for these go? - Like all Ko-fi tips, after Paypal fees the money goes directly to me to help pay for bills, as well as materials related to the podcast. I am extremely grateful for these tips and cannot thank all of you enough for them! (Also note that some of the money from these will go to paying for the postage, envelopes, cost of going to the post office, etc.)

I wasn't fast enough and sent you a tip after all of the 10 packs were claimed!! What now?? - In the event that this happens, I can message or email you and we can work something out, hopefully!

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@gmail.com!

Now that you've read the whole thing, feel free to go to my Ko-fi account to leave a tip and get a fun pack mailed to you! And as always, people who leave tips of 2 or more Coffees will also get a shout-out on the next episode of the podcast as well. 

Thank you all so much for your support, and I hope you'll enjoy getting something fun and surprising in the mail!
A gif of a bunny bowing and saying "thank you!"

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