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This month on the podcast, we’re celebrating the first ever North American English release of one of the most influential anime of the 70s: Future Boy Conan! That’s right, after over 40 years, we’re finally getting a release in America (with a new English dub!) thanks to Gkids. And with me to talk about this classic gem is Conan super-fan Dave Merrill! Listen as we discuss the history of this wonderful series, how many amazingly talented people worked on it, how it became a hugely influential pop culture phenomenon in Japan and other countries, and why YOU should add it to your watch list--all without any major spoilers!--in this extra long episode. Let’s set sail!
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Relevant links:
- Buy Future Boy Conan on bluray at Rightstuf, Amazon, and Gkids’ online store!
- Visit High Harbor Net, one of the biggest Future Boy Conan fansites still running!
- Future Boy Conan at Nausicaa Net
- Buy Hayao Miyazaki’s Starting Point 1979-1996, where he talks about his work & his process (which includes some bits of when he worked on Future Boy Conan!), in print or digitally.
- The Italian opening of Future Boy Conan
- Read Dave’s anime blog, Let’s Anime!
- Find Dave on Twitter
My theme song music was done by Kerobit! You can find more about them on their Twitter!
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!
As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!
Great talk about a great show.