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Links mentioned in the episode:
Catch up on Sailor Moon’s re-released, newly translated manga!
☆ Buy Sailor Moon Manga Box Set #1 - Amazon / TRSI
☆ Buy Sailor Moon Manga Box Set # 2 - Amazon / TRSI
Pre-order vol 1 of Viz's original Sailor Moon anime!
☆ Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD set
☆ Standard DVD set
Watch original Sailor Moon episodes legally for free!
On Hulu ☆ On Neon Alley
Watch Sailor Moon Crystal legally for free!
On Hulu ☆ On Neon Alley ☆ On Crunchyroll ☆ On Nico-Nico
Let's Play 20+ Years of Sailor Moon games!
Youtube ☆ Twitch
Guest's Tumblrs: nitroslogbook ☆ ghost-hype
As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts and ideas for future episodes here, or email directly at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!