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April 2nd, 2021 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Fantasy Mecha series The Vision of Escaflowne! And to celebrate this milestone, I've called up NewTypeLady from another world to talk all about it with me! Even with an extra long run time for the occasion, we only really touch the tip of the iceberg on just what makes Escaflowne so special, but we give it all we got! Listen as we recount the series' very interesting production history, the great characters that make up this beloved show, and why we think that you should still check out this "isekai" anime all these years later. And for those who already know and love the series, at around the 1:20:13 mark, we go FULL SPOILERS and briefly talk about some of the more interesting spoilery aspects of the series, including how I can never seem to pronounce "Guymelf" correctly, extremely 90s-era anime boyfriends, and lamenting how they don't make messy villains that chew up the scenery like they used to. All this and listener questions, too!
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My theme song music was done by Kerobit! You can find more about them on their Twitter!
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Thanks for listening!