Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this announcement!
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Hey everyone! An important announcement regarding the podcast! Starting in December of 2021, I'll be going on a much-needed little vacation for a few months (probably around 2 or 3, depending on how I'm feeling). After doing 105 straight months of podcasting, paired with some minor health issues I've been having lately, I feel like I just need a little break to help me prevent burnout. But like I say in the audio above, I won't leave you hanging when it comes to things to listen to! While I'm gone, I'll be uploading some really great podcasts I was a guest on that I think you'll all enjoy. I'll also be adding the special thanks for ko-fi tips on those re-uploaded episodes, and adding any updates as well, to keep you all posted on when I'm set to start recording again.
And for those of you sad that I won't be able to do the Year in Review this year, I'll still be doing my annual Holiday Giveaway to make up for it, and just because...I love doing the giveaway every year! So check back here on Dec 1st, 2021 to enter that. I'll have some fun prizes to give to a few lucky people, so hopefully that's a small silver lining.
If you'd like to continue to support me while I'm on break, here's how you can do so!
- Leave me a tip of any size on my ko-fi account (tips of 2 or more will get you a shout-out in the special thanks segment of the next episode!)
- Shop my affiliate links at Rightstuf, CDJapan, and Amazon! I get a few cents for each purchase you make.
- Buy merch with my designs on my Teepublic shop! Not only can you buy my designs/podcast logo merch on everything from stickers, tote bags, mugs, shirts, and more, I get a small percentage from each purchase made!
- You can also leave a nice review on whatever platform you use to listen to the podcast! It always brightens my day to see kind words about my work.
You can also follow the podcast tumblr here, where I have new posts queued up daily! And my personal Twitter account is here. And of course, you can still email the podcast any time at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@gmail.com!
I'm so grateful for your continued support, and for your understanding while I take this much needed break! See you in December for the first of my "vacation" guest episodes and the holiday giveaway!
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