Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 82: 2019 Year In Review with Zee

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

2019 is just about over! So you know what that means–that’s right, it’s the Year in Review! And much like Krampus, Zee is here in her usual once-a-year appearance to discuss the results of my annual year-end survey as filled out by you, the listeners! What older anime titles were you excited to buy (sometimes again) this year, and what titles are you looking forward to coming out in 2020? We also talk about all the memorable news stories from throughout this long, seemingly never-ending year, and titles you wish were back in print (or would get a release, period!). Hear all of this PLUS the winners of the survey giveaway in this extra long episode. Happy Holidays!!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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☆ Buy the top 3 (as voted by my listeners) older anime releases from 2019!☆

1. Perfect Blue bluray
2. Giant Robo OVA Series bluray set
3. Millennium Actress bluray

Listen to the full episode for the complete list!

Big thanks to Viz Media, Rightstuf, and Nozomi Entertainment for donating these amazing prizes this year! And congrats to all the winners!

Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

My opening theme music is done by Kerobit! Find more of his music at!
As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening and have a happy new year!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Click for fullsize!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Also a Happy Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, or whatever winter celebration you observe! ^_^ I hope it’s a good one! Please enjoy a day of Christmas-themed posts I’ve queued up over on the podcast's tumblr for throughout the day, and look forward to my Year In Review episode soon!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Guest Spot: ANNCast!

While you wait for my Year in Review podcast episode, you can hear me on the newest episode of ANNCast talking about Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! You can find it here.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Head's up!

I've added some minor corrections/updates for the Kaiji episode, so if you see a "new" episode in your feeds today, it's sadly not a new one but last month's episode refreshing. Sorry for any confusion!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

It's that time again!

It’s become tradition that in December, I do a year in review podcast episode. And once again, I need your help! So please, dear listeners, take a moment to let me know your opinions on older anime titles that were re-released this year (among other things) on the survey HERE! In the spirit of the season, several lucky listeners who fill out the survey will be chosen at random to win special prizes, which I’ll post more info about really soon! You have until December 15th to fill out the survey, so hop to it!! Survey is now closed! Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill it out!
I’ll announce the winner on the new episode of the podcast when me & my special guest will discuss the results!
Want to get a special holiday shout out in the last episode of 2019? All you have to do is tip me a coffee at my Ko-Fi account here! Thanks, and look forward to an awesome Year In Review episode this year!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast ep 81 - Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji with Tricia

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

It's Thanksgiving time in North America, and what better way to celebrate than talking about a cult classic full of tears and despair?! That's right, returning guest and Fukumoto fan Tricia is back to talk with me all about Denpa's new English release of the infamous fan-favorite manga Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji! Started in the 90s, this title started growing a Western fanbase after it's '07 anime adaptation, and now at long last--a physical edition of the original manga is available! We talk about what we love about this new release, why it's worth picking up even if you've already seen the anime, and how a story with such a seemingly simple premise tackles some surprisingly heavy themes in unexpected ways. Also in this episode: what Kaiji adaptations are worth checking out, which Kaiji gambles terrify us, and why Michael Douglas is now officially Anime.

Minor corrections/updates for this episode: The ebook company that did the original eBook release is actually a company close to Mr. Fukumoto! Also, the sound effect ZAWA wasn't quite invented by Fukumoto, but popularized by him. It's derived from the Japanese ZAWATSUKU or ZAWAMEKU. And while the bubble bursting in Japan & debt has a lot to do with the themes of the story, there's also the fact that Japan went through about 15-20 years of stagflation, which lead to many being disillusioned and feeling they had no future since many jobs available were just "dead end" ones. Denpa currently has two full-time staff members, and currently only has the rights to the first arc (13 vols) of Kaiji....though that may change in the future! Thanks Denpa for reaching out and letting me know!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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Relevant Links:
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Click image for fullsize 

Happy Halloween, everyone! And for those who don’t celebrate, happy Discount Candy Day-Eve! 🎃

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 80: ReView: The Drifting Classroom manga & BONUS Violence Voyager

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

This month’s episode is another ReView! What is a “ReView” episode, you might ask? Well, it’s my highly-clever (ok not really) name for episodes where I go back and revisit an older title I haven’t seen in a long time, and see if what I remember (and what my opinions on it) are still the same now that some time’s gone by. This month, I’m switching it up a little for Halloween and re-READING a title! That’s right, it’s my very first Manga ReView! This month I'll be revisiting the 70s horror manga classic The Drifting Classroom. And to make this a true science fiction double feature, I’m giving listeners a little bonus: a short review of the new retro-inspired horror anime movie Violence Voyager. Trick or treat!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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The first half of the podcast is all on The Drifting Classroom Perfect Edition vol 1, with the Violence Voyager review starting at around 19:00!

Relevant Links:
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 79: They Were Eleven with Rachel

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

Returning guest Rachel is back to chat with me about all things related to the anime adaptation of Moto Hagio’s sci-fi shoujo, They Were Eleven! Listen as we discuss why this 80s anime (and the original 70s manga it’s based on) still resonates with us today, and how Hagio’s work was an early introduction to things like classism & gender roles to young anime fans back in the day. All this wrapped up in a cool sci-fi mystery! Since this title is a bit more obscure, we discuss the work relatively spoiler-free up until around the 41:05 mark...after that, plenty of spoiler-filled discussion for those who are already familiar with the work as we dive a bit deeper. Enjoy!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
Subscribe on itunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify

Relevant Links:
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Just a note:

Usagi's a little embarrassed.

Hey, all! Just a head's up, sorry if any of you haven't seen the new podcast episode in Apple Podcasts/itunes. Not sure why it doesn't seem to be showing up on their website (but seems to have shown up in some people's apps, at least?), so I'm basically "bumping" the episode again to see if I can get it to work. So if you see the Akira episode twice, sorry for any confusion! Hopefully it's just a weird glitch and not an ongoing problem. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 78: Akira Talk with Vrai

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

The Saturday Anime series continues with one of the most iconic anime (and manga) to ever be made: AKIRA! And with me to talk a bit about this massively influential franchise is new guest to the show Vrai Kaiser (they/them). Even with 2 hours to chat about Akira, we only manage to touch the tip of the iceberg on what makes this Katsuhiro Otomo classic so special. Listen as we discuss how we first saw this film far too young, how it appealed to more folks than just your typical anime fans, and why this 80s creation is a little too prophetic on how life in 2019 ended up being. Also in this episode: the premiere of my brand new opening theme!.....that you don’t hear until the end. (Whoops.)

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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itunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify 
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As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 77: Kimagure Orange Road OVAs 1 & 2

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

This month’s episode is another ReView! What is a “ReView” episode, you might ask? Well, it’s my highly-clever (ok not really) title for episodes where I go back and watch an older title I haven’t seen in a long time, and see if what I remember (and what my opinions on it) are still the same now that some time’s gone by. This month, take some time to chill out in the Summer heat with a trip to the mountains (and uh....Hawaii??) with the first 2 Kimagure Orange Road OVAs!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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Please note: Around the 28 minute mark, I briefly talk about the recent tragedy at Kyoto Animation. I put it at the very end so that if listening to such things might cause you distress, you can stop listening there. If you would like to send a message of support to Kyoani, visit here. It also includes links to other ways you can help.

Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 76: El-Hazard The Magnificent World with Chris

Episode cover image of some of the main characters for El-Hazard: The Magnificent World.
Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!
Oh no, we’re talking about one of those dreaded “isekai” shows?! Never fear, this is the 1995 fantasy OAV El-Hazard: The Magnificent World! Join me and Taiiku podcast’s Chris as we try to explain why it’s a tricky series to describe, how somehow an anime released in the 90s has one of the best dubs we’ve ever heard, and lament the fact that it’s been out of print for a decade, because it deserves more love. Also in this episode: Maniacal Laughter! Tangents about the creative process! Shopping at Sam Goody! All with very minimal spoilers! Wow!

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
Subscribe on itunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify

Relevant links:
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Update: Episode 61 transcription

Hello listeners! After over a year, I'm happy to say I now have a transcript of the Miami Mike episode available for download! A HUGE thanks to the very generous Eleanor who volunteered her time to make one for my podcast. I've added a link to download the document on the original post here for anyone who wants to save it for reference.

I hope that in the future, I can possibly get more episodes transcribed, but for now this was the single most requested episode to have one, and I'm happy that it's now available for those who will find it useful.

Edit: Also, sorry that adding the transcript to ep 61's post seems to have made my RSS feed think it was a new episode! 😅 Sorry for any confusion that might have caused.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 75: Creative Conversations with DJ Kirkland

Subscribers! Be sure to go to the blog to read the description easier & check out links for this episode!

Welcome to the first in a new ongoing series I’ll be doing from time to time here on The Anime Nostalgia Podcast called “Creative Conversations”! In these episodes, I’ll be talking to people in various creative fields making things today who were greatly inspired by anime & manga, and are using that inspiration today to make cool things! To kick off this series is DJ Kirkland: gamer, podcaster, and comic artist extraordinaire. Listen as DJ shares how he got into anime & manga, and how he’s now using those inspirations to make the kind of comics he would have loved to read growing up. Also in this episode: remembering Geocities, swooning over Haruka Tenoh, and advice for newer artists who also want to share their stories with the world.

Stream the episode above or [Direct Download]
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DJ’s older anime & manga recommendations:

Follow DJ & his work online!
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!

As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Guest Spot: Zannen, Canada

While you’re waiting for the new episode of my podcast, you can hear me talking about Cat’s Eye with Canadian anime podcast Zannen, Canada! We discuss the French dub that aired in Canada, City Hunter, and…..City Pop music?? Listen to it here.