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Relevant Links:
- Con-Jikan’s Homepage
- Con-Jikan’s Facebook
- Older episodes mentioned: Eps 19 & 21 - Satoshi Kon 2-part retrospective, ep 32 - The World of Vampire Hunter D, ep 33 - Oldtype/Newtype Interview, ep 36 - The Works of Mamoru Oshii, ep 37 - The World of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, ep 53 - Goshogun: The Time Etranger, ep 57 - An Oral History on Anime Penpals, ep 61 - The Mystery of Miami Mike.
- Track listing for my “Anime Openings of 30 Years Ago” panel
- Buy the original Bubblegum Crisis on bluray at Rightstuf or Amazon!
- Buy Goshogun: The Time Etranger at Rightstuf or Amazon!
- Buy Revolutionary Girl Utena at Rightstuf or Amazon!
- Buy Brian Ruh’s The Stray Dog of Anime!
- Buy Jason Thompson’s Manga: The Complete Guide!
- Check out Leah Stevo and Cheesecakepanda’s cosplay!
As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at AnimeNostalgiaPodcast@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!